This issue become hot and hotter lately. The number of blogger that not happy with the comment from the anonymous visitor rise day by day. Outrage abounded in the blogosphere lately as a pair of Internet luminaries lobbied for rules of behavior in the lawless world of online commentary. Some of them came out with idea code of proposing a "Blogging Code of Conduct" to impose civility on the Internet. A culture is a set of shared agreement taht allows us to live together. Let make sure that the culture we create with our blogs is one that we are proud of. The release this week of a first draft of rules of behavior for online commentary is riling blogger who accuse its author of acting like new-age media overlord disregarding precious rights of free speech. The proposed code calls for blog content to be deleted if it abusive, threatening, libelous, false or violates promises of confidentiality or right or privacy. One of half-dozen rules bans anonymous comment and call for ignoring trolls poster of nasty remarks. Bloggers complaint that barring anonymity would gag online comment from countries with governments intolerant of free speech.